

With a selection that encompasses over 100 sofa groups, fifty dining ranges and forty bedroom collections- covering all styles and finishes from the classic to the contemporary.

Our experienced sales advisors are always on hand to offer you help and advice and our Price Promise means that we guarantee to match any genuine written quotation on all products throughout our store, on a ‘like for like’ basis (T&Cs apply).

Your visit to Maitland’s would also not be complete without a visit to our in-store restaurant, featuring a highly tempting menu. Chefs daily specials are available, alongside soups, sandwiches, light bites…. not to mention home-baked cakes and desserts. All products are all freshly prepared in-house- what better way to mull over a prospective purchase than over a spot of lunch? Full menu available for perusal on-line.

23 Cross Street, Fraserburgh, AB43 9EQ

Monday - Saturday 10:00am - 5:00pm

Sunday 12:00pm - 4:00pm